Tips to Prepare Your Facility for Spring

Spring, the season of opportunity. The opportunity to do a little spring cleaning and rid yourself of old, outdated items. To attract new customers and keep your regulars coming back. To enhance your facility’s appearance. A chance to jumpstart your preventative maintenance. However, many have not begun to plan, let alone prepare their facility for spring. Failing to be proactive leaves you vulnerable to costly repairs, system failures, and accidents. Don’t wait to cultivate your facility maintenance plan for spring.

Below we have listed our top 5 areas that should be on your plan.

HVAC Tune-Up

On a warm spring day, you don’t need your HVAC unit failing. In fact, it is most likely the last thing you’re hoping will occur. However, after your HVAC unit sat through most of the winter collecting dust and cobwebs, it needs a once-over. Giving it a thorough check will assist in deterring costly repairs.

You’ll want a trusted supplier or partner to test your equipment and check for any possible problems. Additionally, you need to give your ducts, vents, and other areas a good cleaning.

Completing the following ensures your unit is in good standings.

  • Change filters
  • Check your belt for wear and tear
  • Lubricate motor/fan bearings
  • Clean the coils
  • Recharge your unit as necessary

Refresh Your Landscaping

How your facility looks impact your customers’ perception. A well-maintained landscape gives a building a more inviting and polished feel. With the weather warming up, you need to turn your attention to your landscape and give it a refresh.

Consider completing the following:

  • Check your irrigation system to ensure it’s properly functioning
  • Laying fresh mulch
  • Weeding/putting down a pre-emergent herbicide
  • Aerating and seeding/over-seeding
  • Trimming up bushes
  • Planting new trees, shrubs, or flowers

Roof Repair and Maintenance

A damaged roof leads to your facility potentially being damaged internally. For this reason, your roof should be included in preparing your facility for spring and checked quarterly.

An ill-maintained roof will leave it open to threats such as strong winds and storms. Having an experienced supplier to examine your roof will give you peace of mind that it’s up to the challenge the warm weather will bring. They will check your gutters and drains are clean and in working order. An experienced supplier will be able to identify weak spots or damage and repair them.

Parking Lot

Stress on your parking lot causes potholes, cracks, and damages your sealant. Springtime is an ideal time to have it properly cleaned and reviewed. Take the time to walk around your parking lot to check for potholes or cracks which need to be filled in. While you are at it check to see if your parking spots and such properly designated, or do they need to be relined or striped?

After all, a cared-for parking lot boosts your facility’s curb appeal. Thus, attracting repeat and new customers.


According to the National Fire Protection Association, over 600 electrical fires occur in eating and drinking establishments every year. While over 400 occur per year for office properties. Taking precautionary steps to fireproof your facility include:

  • Checking your outlets and switches to ensure they are secure and covered properly.
  • Your smoke and CO2 detectors work and replace the batteries if necessary.
  • Ceiling fans are cleaned and secure.
  • Backup generator functioning.
  • Clean underneath and behind your appliances. Dust and debris collect there and interfere with them operationally.


In conclusion, don’t wait until the end of March or even April to prepare your facility for the warm weather of spring. Partner with the right company to ensure your facilities are taken care of from landscaping, to the removal of unessential or worn down equipment, to HVAC maintenance and more. Contact SLM Facility Solutions Nationwide to prepare your facility for spring today.