The Big Dipper is Not Just in the Sky

What is the Big Dipper?

Besides being the name given to the seven stars in the constellation Ursa Major, a Big Dipper is an automatic, self-cleaning device used to remove grease and oils from kitchen drains.


How Does a Big Dipper work?

The big dipper is installed in the kitchen’s drain line where it allows the effluent from the kitchen to drain into the unit. The grease and oils rise to the surface of the separator tank where the unit skims the grease and oils into the collection container. This process occurs when the skimming wheel is activated by the digital control. The location selects the setting on the digital control based on their operating needs.  The “cleaned” water then exits the Big Dipper and continues its path through the location’s drain line.


Where is a Big Dipper used?

A Big Dipper is typically used where a Point-Source or Central Grease Removal system is needed.  This means it can be used after a 3-compartment sink, pot washing sink, pre-rinse station, wok, exhaust wet hood, combi-oven, or even a tilt kettle.


What are the daily maintenance requirements?

Each day, after turning off the power, the clear plastic grease collection container should be emptied into a disposal bin, which will be emptied by the grease vendor during quarterly maintenance. Next the internal strainer basket should be removed and emptied by rapidly shaking it into the disposal bin.  The internal strainer can then be wiped down with a paper towel which can be thrown into the garbage.  Finally, the inside and outside of the strainer should be washed prior to reinstallation.


What are the weekly maintenance requirements?

On a weekly basis, after turning off the power, the following maintenance should be performed on a Big Dipper.  Remove accumulations from the collection trough and wipe down the wiper blades, making sure the assembly is properly replaced. The next step is to ensure the motor and skimming wheel are operating properly.  This is done by depressing the Skim Start/Stop button or the Jog switch.  Once it is confirmed the unit is operating, depress the Skim Start/Stop button or the Jog switch again.  Finally, check the thickness of the layer of grease at the top of the Big Dipper. If there is more than ½” of grease immediately after the daily skimming cycle, increase the time on the digital control setting.


What are the quarterly maintenance requirements?

In order to ensure your Big Dipper is properly functioning, the sediment that builds up in the bottom of the unit must be removed. SLM recommends having a grease vendor pump out and clean out the unit on a quarterly basis. At this time the contents of the disposal bin will be removed.


Does my facility need a Big Dipper?

You do not need a Big Dipper. However, having one will decrease your facility’s chances of clogs, overflowing, backups, etc which will give you peace of mind as your focus on your business and growth.


Take control of your grease and solids by having SLM install and maintain your Big Dipper. Give us a call at 1.888.847.4449


Article Written By Melissa Myers