Electrical Panel Upgrade: What You Need To Know & How To Determine If You Need One

If you own a business, whether it’s a small shop, a large warehouse, or multiple locations, you’re aware of the importance of keeping your electrical systems in good working order. Not only do they enable your employees to work effectively and efficiently, but they also keep you and your customers safe. Upgrading your commercial electrical panel helps with many different situations. One thing is sure: upgrading your electrical panel improves your business’s overall functionality and operating efficiency. Replacing an outdated or malfunctioning electrical system significantly decreases the risk of fire hazards. Since most states and counties require all buildings to have up-to-date electrical systems, commercial building owners need to take the necessary steps to protect their facilities from any electrical system faults.


How Do You Know You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade?

Your electrical system must be up to the task for your facility. An outdated or malfunctioning electrical panel endangers your employees and customers. Fortunately, there are ways to upgrade your commercial electrical panel without completely overhauling your building’s wiring system. Here are a few key items to look out for when thinking of upgrading.

Do Your Workers Constantly Trip Circuit Breakers?

A consistent tripping circuit indicates there is too much demand on the system. If this happens often, then it’s time for an upgrade. You’ll be able to add more circuits and devices without worrying about tripping breakers or blowing fuses! No one needs their kitchen equipment shutting down due to a trip.

Is Your Commercial Electrical Panel Hot?

If you need a circuit breaker to trip every time you turn on a light or plug in a fan, it’s time for an electrical panel upgrade. An outdated electrical panel may not be able to handle the current demand of your business. Newer commercial electrical panels are designed with more advanced technology, allowing them to operate multiple circuits simultaneously without overheating safely.

Are You Using Too Many Electrical Cords?

An excellent way to tell if your commercial building needs an electrical panel upgrade is by looking at its current wiring system. Are there too many cords connected to one outlet? If so, it’s time for an overhaul! The more electrical circuits you have running through one outlet, the more likely it is that one will overload and trip a breaker. This can lead to fires and other serious issues within your business building.

Are You Noticing Rust or Corrosion on Your Commercial Electrical Panel?

If you notice rust or corrosion on your commercial electrical panel, it is a good idea to have it inspected by a professional electrician. This may mean you need to replace the wiring in your building or a water leak which can cause an electrical short or fire.

Have Your Lights Been Flickering?

If your lights are flickering or dimming, this can be an indication of a problem with your circuit breaker. It is also possible that the wiring itself may need to be replaced. We highly encourage you to contact a professional if you noticed these issues.

Benefits of an Electrical Panel Upgrade

One of the essential things that can happen to any business is an electrical panel upgrade. This upgrade is essential for improving your building’s safety and efficiency and reducing insurance costs. In addition, it allows you to be more environmentally friendly by reducing the risk of fire and increasing energy efficiency.

Lower Insurance Costs

When your current electrical panel was installed, it may have been made to meet code requirements. However, today’s standards are stricter, so if your business has an outdated panel, you may pay more for your insurance. An upgrade will bring your building up to code and reduce your insurance premiums.

Reduced Risk of Fire

An outdated electrical panel could cause a fire if there is a short circuit or other problem with the wiring. Replacing your old panel with a newer model will eliminate this risk and keep you and your employees safe.

Increased Energy Efficiency

If you’re concerned about rising utility bills, upgrading to a newer panel will help you save money on electricity usage by ensuring everything functions properly. This results in less waste and lower energy costs for your business!

Improved Lighting

One of the most significant benefits of an electrical panel upgrade is improved lighting. Older businesses often need updated wiring that causes lighting to flicker or dim when you turn on certain appliances. With a new electrical panel, you can ensure that all lights are on constantly without interruptions or flickering. This will help improve productivity and reduce accidents in your workplace.

Safer Environment

In addition to improving your business’s lighting situation, a new electrical panel will create a safer environment for everyone involved. This is because newer panels include more sophisticated circuit breakers that can sense when there’s a surge in power usage and shut down before any damage occurs.

If your current panel isn’t up to par or has yet to be updated in years, it may not be able to provide these safety features for you or your employees. Instead of risking their safety with outdated equipment, consider upgrading yours today!


Improve Your Electricity With an Electric Panel Upgrade

As a business owner, your electric panel upgrade can be one of the easiest ways to keep up with energy-efficiency requirements and reduce your electric bill. Need help figuring out if you’re due for an electrical panel upgrading or having electrical issues? Contact SLM Facility Solutions Nationwide. We will dispatch one of our nationwide, certified and vetted electricians to your location.