Troubleshooting 101: Common Electrical Issues

From lights to refrigerators to HVACs and more, electricity pulses through your facility to ensure all your assets are working so you can run your business. But what happens when circuits keep tripping? When an off-putting odor is coming from your outlet? Or do the lights continue to flicker? These are all signs of trouble brewing for your facility. However, it’s important to know how to troubleshoot common electrical issues not only to know what you’re able to repair yourself but also to tell a qualified electrician what is happening.

Common Electrical Issues and Troubleshooting

Overloaded Circuits and Tripped Breakers

      • Symptoms: Frequent tripping of circuit breakers, flickering lights, outlets not working.

      • Possible Causes: Too many devices plugged into one circuit, faulty wiring, short circuit.

      • Troubleshooting:
            • Unplug unnecessary devices.

            • Reset the circuit breaker. If it trips again immediately, there might be a short circuit or overload.

            • Avoid plugging high-wattage appliances into the same circuit.

      Power Surges and Voltage Fluctuations

          • Symptoms: Electronic equipment malfunctions, damaged devices, flickering lights.

          • Possible Causes: Lightning strikes, power grid issues, faulty electrical equipment.

          • Troubleshooting:
                • Use surge protectors for sensitive equipment.

                • Consider installing a whole-building surge protector.

                • Regular maintenance of electrical equipment can help prevent issues.

          Faulty Wiring and Connections

              • Symptoms: Flickering lights, outlets not working, burning smells, discolored outlets.

              • Possible Causes: Aged wiring, loose connections, damaged insulation.

              • Troubleshooting:
                    • This is a serious issue that requires professional attention. Call an electrician immediately.

              Malfunctioning Switches, Outlets, and Lighting Fixtures

                  • Symptoms: Lights won’t turn on, outlets don’t work, and switches feel loose or hot.

                  • Possible Causes: Worn-out components, loose connections, faulty wiring.

                  • Troubleshooting:
                        • Replace the switch, outlet, or fixture.

                        • If the problem persists, there might be an underlying electrical issue.

                  Inadequate Grounding

                      • Symptoms: Electrical shocks, damaged electronic equipment.

                      • Possible Causes: Improper grounding, damaged ground wire.

                      • Troubleshooting:
                            • This is a serious safety hazard. Call a qualified electrician to inspect and correct the grounding.

                      Keep Your Business Powered Up By Sourcing the Right Electrician

                      Electrical problems can be frustrating and disruptive to your operations, but with the right knowledge and preventive measures, you can minimize their impact. By understanding common electrical issues, troubleshooting effectively, and seeking professional help when needed, you can ensure that your facility’s electrical systems operate smoothly and reliably.

                      Need assistance sourcing the right electrician? SLM Facility Solutions Nationwide can help. We have over 25 years of experience helping small, medium, and large companies in various industries manage their facility maintenance services. Ultimately giving our clients back their time to focus on their customers and growing their business. Let us be your dedicated expert. Contact us today.




                      Remember: Electrical issues can be dangerous. If you’re unsure about how to fix a problem, don’t hesitate to call a professional electrician.