Hot Water Heater 101

Your hot water heater plays a crucial part of your facility. Without it your dwellers will receive cold showers. Your consumers patronizing your restaurant are eating off dishes washed in cold water which leaves them to wonder how clean the dishes really are. Yikes!  To gain a better understanding of hot water heaters, we compiled a short list of questions most commonly ask.

What is the difference between a tank and tankless hot water heater?

While the easiest answer is one had a tank while the other lack ones, it’s not the only difference. A traditional tank heater holds water and consistently keeps it at temperature. On the other hand, tankless hot water heaters are more expensive they heat the water as needed. Thus using less electricity and saving you some money.

How long will a commercial unit last?

Several factors play into how long your unit will last. The main ones being, was it properly cared for? If there was an issue, was it fixed? Was preventive maintenance performed as it should have been? They easily last 15-20 years if well taken care of. Sometimes they last even longer.

What temperature should our hot water heater be set to?

120°. This comes from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. They state 120° is the ideal commercial water heater temperature as it provides a balance between comfort and safety. You may have it a little lower as some prefer 110°, but 120° is more common.

Can I conserve on hot water heating?

  • Check for leaks. Leaking hot water from your tank or pipes not only causes damage to area, but wastes heated wasted. It doesn’t seem like much, but leaking water can add up.
  • If possible, lower the temperature. Lowering the temperature even 10° saves you major money on your electric bill.
  • Insulate your tank and pipes. When moving towards its destination, a large of water losses heat in the pipes. By insulating your pipes and tank you’re containing the heat.
  • Check for sedimentary build up. Depending on where you are, geographically speaking, you may be in an area for mineral-rick, sedimentary water. The sediment from the water flows into your tank where it builds up at the bottom. Once it solidifies it is almost impossible to remove. It’s recommend to have your system flushed to help prevent against it.

How do I know if it’s failing?

There are typically signs to let you know it’s on its way out. Some of the most common signs include:

  • Rusty or discolored water.
  • Lack of hot water even though you haven’t increased use.
  • Loud noises.
  • Unrepairable leaks.

If any of these occur, monitor your hot water heater and a professional called to make any necessary repair and maintenance the unit.

Replace or fix it?

Your hot water heater is built to have minimal issues while producing lot of hot water, so most of the time a repair will need to be done. You’ll have to start looking into replacing if it isn’t care for, approaching its life span or you have multiple issues in a short amount of time.

When considering if you should replace or fix, it’s best to consult a professional.

Time to replace my hot water heater. Now what do I do?

When replacing your hot water heater, time is of the essence. You need to deal with it immediately instead of deferring it. Your facility most likely cannot afford to without hot water for weeks or months. Acting swiftly while coordinating with the appropriate parties will be essential getting the job down on time and correctly.

What if I have more questions?

While the above list the most common questions asked, we understand you may have more. If you have further questions, we recommend to  consult a professional, such as SLM Facility Solutions. When it comes to issues, preventative maintenance, or replacing assets in your facility don’t wait to contact a professional as it’s critical to having your unit up and running with little downtime. SLM Facility Solutions Nationwide is here 24/7/365 if your hot water heater begins to give you issues or suddenly stops producing hot water.

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