Thank You Facility Managers!

This week we celebrate Facility Managers! Here at SLM we know how hard they work day in and out. They are the unsung heroes who ensure their facilities are safe, provide productive work environments and ensure that operations run smoothly. What would we do without them?

Here are some of our top reasons to give yours a high five!

Facility managers are excellent critical thinkers. 

They are excellent critical thinkers and put their skills to use each day as they find solutions to an array of challenges or issue that arises. Anything from a broken-down HVAC on a hot July morning to pest control to the dishwasher not cleaning on a Tuesday evening must be resolved swiftly as to not disrupt business. But have no fear as the facility manager knows just what to do.


Facility managers are level head and swift.

Every day brings with it unpredictable situations and challenges which means as a facility manager you must be about to think on your feet while keeping your cool! Their vast skill set and years of experience gives them the confidence to take on all challenges, tasks and situations whether they anticipated them or not and come out on top.


Facility managers care about sustainability. 

They enhance efficiency not only by ensuring their staff is properly train, but by guaranteeing their building is sustainable. Their staff understands the importance of being sustainable and is on board with implementing the programs to make it happen. A facility manager knows by running a green or sustainable building they have created an effective resource and model for their organization.


They care about their organization’s mission, values and goals.

Facility managers enjoy seeing their facilities and organizations flourish! They eat, sleep, and breathe their company’s mission, values, and goals.  They know their attitude will infect the staff, so they come in swinging positivity and new ideas to hit goals out of the park while keeping their buildings running smoothly and efficiently.


Facility managers are your cost containment masters. 

Not only do they have to be able to expect the unexpected, but they need to be able to efficiently manage the flow of money to ensure there is no overspending. Thus, making them cost containment masters!  They draw up budgets, calculate life-cycle costs develop and execute business plans and determine ways to reduce expenses.


Facility managers keep your health, safety, and security on their mind.

They beam with pride when they are able to maintain a clean, hazardous-free space. They do this by empowering staff with knowledge and training so they can clearly communicate if any issues arise. Talk about smooth sailing and peace of mind.


Facility managers ensure for smooth sailing. 

Speaking of smooth sailing. Did you ever wonder who to thank for keeping the lights on and water clean? Facility managers. They keep our work environments safe, fun and pleasant. They handle the nitty gritty each and every day to allow their staff to focus on the customer experience.


Facility managers possess skills that are critical to the success of a business. 

Facility manager positions are not entry-level jobs. This integral position takes time, a wealth of industry knowledge and experience and a go-get-them attitude. A facility manager needs to be able to wear the many hats that come with the job. They manage projects, ensure safety measures are being taken, promote sustainability and more making them tough to replace.


So here’s to you, Facility Managers, for keeping your facilities safe, healthy and amazing. Happy World Facility Managers Day!


Thank you for all that you do!