Grease Trap Best Practices Flyer

Safe guard your business, customer health & the environment.

Your Grease Trap or Interceptor works tirelessly battling the enemy of clogged drains and potential health hazards, ensuring smooth operations and food safety. But like any asset, the grease trap needs support to function optimally. Here’s why best practices for grease traps are crucial, and why training staff with a dedicated flyer is your secret weapon.

The Training Advantage: Empowering Your Staff

By your staff knowing what they can and cannot do allows them to do their job without having to question themselves or others. Empowering not only your managers and team leads but all employees and staff. A grease trap best practice flyer will help you with:

Consistency: Ensures all staff members receive the same training, regardless of their training session.

Accessibility: A readily available reference point for staff to revisit key information whenever needed.

Visual Aid: To enhance understanding and retention of procedures. Also, a refresher when needed.

Cost-Effective: A more sustainable and cost-effective solution compared to individual staff training sessions.

By implementing best practices for grease traps and equipping your staff with the knowledge through a dedicated training flyer, you’re not just maintaining a piece of equipment – you’re safeguarding your business, the environment, and the health of your customers.

Download your copy here