How You’re Overpaying in Medical Waste Cost

Medical waste cost is unavoidable in healthcare, research, and other industries. In addition, this waste must be disposed of safely and legally. Medical waste management providers deliver the help you need to ensure safety and compliance, but do you know exactly what you’re paying for?

If your facility’s medical waste cost seems too high or has increased, take a look at these factors. They increase your costs, so learn how to keep them in check.

Medical Waste Cost Factors

Because medical and related facilities cannot dispose of waste through regular methods, compliant services are required to ensure safety.

While there are many factors that increase medical waste cost depending on your methods or provider, we examine the big three:

  • Volume
  • Frequency
  • Location


The volume your facility disposes of greatly impacts your costs. The more waste you produce, the more it costs to properly dispose of it. If your medical waste disposal needs are minimal, it’s more practical to pay a per box or per pickup fee as disposal is needed. Facilities with greater waste needs are often able to pursue volume rates to decrease medical waste cost.


If you want your waste picked up weekly versus monthly, costs increase. Every pickup results in an additional cost for your company – if you want more, expect to pay more.

All facilities have unique needs when it comes to the frequency of waste disposal. On average, most facilities schedule a monthly pickup. High-volume facilities may find it necessary to schedule weekly pickups, though this is rarer amongst companies in need of medical waste disposal.


The location makes a difference in any waste management service, including medical waste. For facilities located in a large metropolitan area, costs are likely to be lower versus a facility in a rural location. 

In a metro area, you benefit from more customers in the same place. Your service provider is already in the area as they make pickups from other clients, therefore you don’t pay an added surcharge for mileage or time to reach your location, as you would in a rural location.

Transportation costs are significant in a waste management operation. If it takes longer to get to your facility, that’s more time, gas, and vehicle wear associated with your account. These costs are typically passed on to the customer from the waste management company.

Are You Making Your Medical Waste Cost More Expensive?

Your location, and therefore, the transportation both largely affect volume and frequency waste cost. Changing the location of your facility isn’t typically an option. But, examine your needs based on volume and frequency and it’s possible to manage your medical waste cost.

Take a look at your medical waste management agreements to see what your contract says about volume and frequency. Are you paying for a certain volume of a pickup but rarely fill your box? Does your medical waste disposal company come to make a pickup and you have nothing for them?

Reduce your facility’s waste costs as you make changes to volume and frequency of pickup to better reflect your needs. 

Control Your Facility’s Medical Waste Cost with SLM Facility Solutions

SLM Facility Solutions provides specialized medical waste disposal services in compliance with state standards. We aim to protect your company while we provide affordable, reliable services. So learn how SLM helps you keep medical waste cost controlled when you contact us today.